Sunday, May 15, 2011

Shaw Capital Working Management: Rebecca Black is the next big thing!

And I don’t mean that in any sarcastic way. The kid’s talented people, give her a break!

Now I'm a frequent visitor/user in the Twitter world so I am pretty much up to date with trending topics on Twitter. I've seen all sorts of weird ones like Doraemon and #trespalabrasquetejoden (don't ask me) so I wasn't all that surprised when I saw Rebecca Black on the TT list one day. I honestly thought it's another one of those name distortions (you know, Jonas Sisters) that tweeple like to popularize, or maybe she's some kind of a relative to Sirius Black (Harry Potter series) that I didn't know about. At any rate, I won't discover the whole story until weeks after.

I know, you probably have heard of her already (maybe issued a raging comment or two against her singing and/or absurd song) but for those who have been out of the loop these past few weeks, here's the deal: Rebecca Black is a thirteen-year old singer who racked millions of views on her YouTube music video (as well as mentions from every social network there is) for a painfully bad performance and equally disastrous song lyrics of her debut song entitled 'Friday'. I mean, come on, we all *know* that Saturday comes after Friday and all.

But despite of the death threats addressed to her every so often, Black is not going to give up on her 'career' anytime soon. She actually signed up for a recording company, so I've heard. If you think the worst is over, you're wrong, 'cause the worst one is yet to come ... Justin Bieber is going to team up with her for a duet. Good heavens. I could only wonder what kind of song would that be. Perhaps a mash-up of ‘Friday’ and ‘Baby’? If they're counting on the severity of the single to garner huge attention and uproar that it will increase earnings like her infamous song did, they could just be right.

So, is the crappy the new cool?

Try listening to the song (or dare watch the music video) and you'll see what I mean. It was epic fail in every aspect, I tell you. Everyone was practically dumbstruck, at a loss for words when asked to describe what they heard (or saw)...

That is just total and utter crap. Period. The writer does not even know what he/she is saying. Maybe it’s someone who has no sense, at all. You know, a singer who has gathered *huge* attention (135 million views in YouTube alone) like that in a short span of time is undoubtedly someone special. A certified record breaker like her deserves some slack from envious critics. Need more evidence? Then I suggest you go ahead and hit up Google. Just type the letter “r” and please check out what’s the first auto-complete suggestion in line.

She’s even better than nonsense pop superstars millions are worshipping today (i.e. Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, etc)! Where’s your musical sense people?!

I’ll be watching out for her big break as a signed artist as well as her duet with Bieber. Somebody give her an album already!

I could already see her on the level of Celine Dion or Whitney Houston in the years to come. I bet you do, too.

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